Spread Syntax

Suppose you have a palette of color names in an array and you want to create a new palette with some extra colors. You write this code:

const oldPalette = ['plum', 'orchid'];
const newPalette = oldPalette;

Try running this code in your browser's console. Does newPalette contain the colors you expect? Does oldPalette?

The variable newPalette is an alias that points to the same array as oldPalette. Changes made through one of the variables will alter the single shared array that's in memory. What if you wanted newPalette to point to a different array? There's no clone method for arrays, but you could write this code:

const oldPalette = ['plum', 'orchid'];
const newPalette = [];
for (let color of oldPalette) {

Try running this code. Are the arrays distinct?

This second approach is written more compactly using JavaScript's spread syntax:

const oldPalette = ['plum', 'orchid'];
const newPalette = [...oldPalette];

The expression ...oldPalette expands to the elements of oldPalette. This code can be shortened even more by bundling the new colors into the array literal:

const oldPalette = ['plum', 'orchid'];
const newPalette = [...oldPalette, 'linen', 'thistle'];

Objects are cloned in a similar manner:

const image = {
width: 500,
height: 300,
path: 'dog-playing-solitaire.png',

const accessibleImage = {
alt: 'A dog playing solitaire.',

The spread syntax only produces a shallow clone of the original array or object. The new collection is a separate structure, but any non-primitive values will be copied to the new structure as aliases.